Prevent Restless Legs Knowledge Is Power what I Wish I knew

girl with Restless Legs

How To Stop Restless Legs Immediately

The fast way to stop RLS is cold water. When looking at RLS, Its relation to dopamine and the nervous system and cold water does two main things by releasing dopamine to help the body from the lack of it, and the cold rush blood out of the legs deep into the body.

Once the body warms back up, the fresh blood slowly comes back into the extremities bringing clean, healing prosses blood.

With fresh oxygenated blood, the nervous system can relax the body down; then, heart rate will slow down, helping everything relax.

Now at this point, you’ll need to focus on the breath slowing down, farther relaxing the mind and body focus on breathing in and out slowly. As you do this a couple of times, you’ll get better at it and learn what works best for you.

How To Treat Restless Leg Syndrome In Babies

I’d really ask the question, can babies have RLS? Most likely, your babies do not have RLS; most babies don’t have a problem with dopamine and the nervous system. If your babies show symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome, you should look into your baby’s food and sleep schedule. You should breastfeed, but if your baby is on a formula or even baby foods that have artificial flavors, some babies can be having an allergic reaction to processed food that will be causing symptoms like RLS.

It’s tough to tell if a baby has RLS. They can’t talk to us and say how they feel, so it’s just a guess on the real problem. It is more concerned about the cos, even the bedding, and irritates some babies. Switching out for 100% cotton sheets will help[and using sensitive skin diapers. Pay attention to the bath soap and anything that touches your baby’s skin daily.

Discard all the other adult options in this entire post, like ice bath cold therapy and even heat therapy. You never would want to put your child in any situation they cannot speak in relation to you and let you know if it is too much. The best option you have, especially for a young child, is figuring out what is causing you’re Tatian in the first place. It could just be growing pains. It could be.

Most likely, an irritation that they’re in is most likely to synthetics and unnatural chemicals that are even in the laundry soap, bath soap, and even the sheets of their bed. Our bodies will absorb anything that is against our skin, and as a young baby, the skin is very soft.

So pay extra caution to what is on your child’s skin come into contact with, especially diapers can cause some issues for some children.

How To Treat Restless Leg Syndrome In Toddlers

Speaking from experience about 30 years ago as a toddler, I suffered from headaches which I will get into later. I remember at night all my brother would be sleeping id lay awake with my feet burn itching my legs would have this restless feeling of needing to move the feeling of discomfort unable to get comble until I would get such a tired pass out asleep.

The best things you can do for a color to help with restless legs

  • making sure they don’t eat too late
  • making sure their room temperature is not too hot and not too cold
  • making sure they’re not drinking caffeine
  • making sure they’re not getting large amounts of sugar especially in the afternoon
  • making sure they’re not getting over stimulated with electronics especially afternoon

There are no supplements that I would recommend for a toddler or a baby. I would recommend no protocol heat or cold for a toddler or baby other than keeping the room at an adequate temperature. A little cooler is always better.

Sleep is the single most important thing for restless leg syndrome. Our bodies naturally have to try to cool down to fall asleep. If the room is 73 or 75 degrees, this can disturb the body’s ability to fall asleep comfortably.

The more nights that go on like this can cause restless leg syndrome by itself. Without quality Sleep, your hormones will not be balanced. Your nervous system will be on edge alone, and prolonged sleep deprivation will only intensify everything later, developing RLS.

How To Stop Restless Legs Immediately At Home

At home, restless leg treatment will be the best option that I have found. What happens a lot of times is that what worked before doesn’t work now, but it doesn’t mean that what doesn’t work now won’t work again in the future.

I have found that restless legs seem to have a mind of their own, and I’ve been able to do different remedies that work at different times. So don’t get discouraged and give up as one of your remedies is not working. Try something else. My last resort is if it is so severe that I cannot sleep a cold bath, I’ve even used ice.

There is one thing I know for sure if nothing else works, ice water will.

I’m most certainly to stop restless leg syndrome. There are a couple of reasons why your body will tap into the endocrine system, which is all your fighter flight adrenaline, epinephrine, and even dopamine. Dopamine is one of the essential neural chemicals you need to pay attention to when dealing with restless leg syndromes.

Dopamine is The main culprit when it comes to restless leg syndrome…

I know this from my personal experience dealing with these problems as a child. The more sugary drinks I had and the higher dopamine-releasing foods I had, the worse my restless leg syndromes were.

So one of the biggest things that can be done is not eating late at night and avoiding the addictive pleasure foods later in the day that trigger too much dopamine release then at night your legs will get restless because you are depleted of dopamine or and this is my theories your body is withdrawing from dopamine is not what people may think and what we’ve been taught dopamine is to move us forward. Hence, the lack of dopamine is The purpose of getting us to the next thing, mainly for survival.

Without it, you wouldn’t want to get up out of bed in the morning and get breakfast. Still, in today’s society, we have as much as we want whenever we want. We’re not living in caves. We don’t need that extra motivation, and what happens to us and this modern society, we over and Indulge and things that release dopamine.

Now to your question, the best home remedies are

  • Coldwater shower or bath
  • Sometimes warm shower or bath helps
  • Yoga stretching percussion massager
  • Epson salt bath soaks warm towels
  • Supplements like magnesium potassium
  • Herbs like Ashwagandha Kava Kava root
  • Meditation and meditation music
  • Focus breathing breathwork

Whenever you’re dealing with this, and you’re struggling, try to figure out a way to ease the symptoms or stop them thinking of things that will calm you down and relax you, like some of the things I listed above. But also, you must undo what you’ve done to yourself. Keeping a food log and or at least the day of remembering what you ate and thinking of these foods or supplements deplete too much dopamine. I like the medicine of animals and veterinarians. One of the first questions a veterinarian will ask the owner is, what has your dog been eating? Lol, did you change the food?

If our doctors would only look into what we’re doing rather than trying to change our bodies with drugs are health, and medicine, I believe it would be a lot easier to maintain.

And this goes for any element or sickness. If you’re having a problem and didn’t have it before, you should use the first thinking principle. Write down everything you’ve been doing especially new things you’ve been doing physically, mentally, and morally. What we eat plays a big role in how we feel. And as we age, we can quickly develop different allergies or intolerances to different foods or drugs. So I was hoping you could pay close attention. I would pay more attention to what you’re doing and how you’re doing it what you’re eating and when you’re eating. Somewhere in there, well, and lie 80% of your health problems. As we age, our bodies change, and we need to change with it. When we were 18 years old, we could eat as much as we wanted and really didn’t see the scale moves much if you keep eating like an 18-year-old eventually you will feel some side effects. But now if you are a teenager reading this or you’re 18 years old especially young men and even young women that may have PMS issues or strong periods that can last longer than normal a lot of this advice above will help you as well. Some teenagers and young adults are more sensitive to others, especially the new autoimmune diseases that have been developing lately. You guys that deal with that stuff really need to pay attention to your diet and exercise, and especially the times that you consume your food, the later in the day you consume food, the more sociable you are. Two issues are trying to go to Sleep.

How Much Iron To Take For Restless Leg Syndrome

Before taking any iron supplement whatsoever, get to your doctor and get tested for iron deficiency. If you eat red meat once a week or eat beets once a week or a lot of spinach, you most likely don’t need any iron. Some people do have deficiencies in iron, but most likely you don’t, especially if you’re a male; most males are over on their iron. But women that have menstrual cycles regularly can easily become deficient and iron when they lose it once a month. But if you have an iron deficiency then you need to get something like an inside tracker and test once a month and slowly start supplementing your iron. I would personally not take an iron supplement; I would try to get my iron from grass-fed red meat and make sure you look for grass-fed and grass-finished there’s a difference. But if red meat is something that you will not eat and the science shows that red meat is not healthy, I could argue the point that all red meat is not the same, but that’s for another topic. I would first start with putting more red meat into my diet, but you can look for an iron supplement if you’re vegan. And I would start with the lowest dose for 30 days, then get your blood work done at your doctor or Inside Tracker. They have a lot of good data and helpful information to tell you how to get your iron levels up to an optimum level and actually tell you what is an optimal iron level for you. After 30 days, you should see an increase, and as you increase, you can start adding more iron to your diet. And I would test every 30 days and keep adding until you reach the optimum iron level.

Magnesium Oxide For Restless Legs

  • magnesium citrate
  • magnesium glycinate
  • magnesium chloride
  • magnesium lactate

There are many different types of magnesium supplements that can be used for different things. Magnesium citrate was studied to be one of the best exhibitions of magnesium and found two the bigger molecules. I am a firm believer in getting your magnesium from whole food plant sources. The reason for this is you get real magnesium and its real form with its code binding minerals and vitamins that aids with an exception. You can supplement all day long, but if you don’t have the coinciding vitamins for resorption will just pass through your body and will never be used.

Magnesium Threonate Restless Legs

Science shows that it could help us with some brain disorders like depression and anxiety. I find this interesting because when you look at restless leg syndrome, it’s usually because of the lack or overuse of dopamine and connecting the dots together dopamine the lack or burned out can cause depression and anxiety, so I would consider that these could be connected. In short, I would say yes, magnesium could possibly help restless leg syndrome, depending on the person. But you also have to consider absorption rates just because it doesn’t work for some reason that it could work when you take supplemented anything depending if it does need to be water-soluble or fat-soluble the resorption rate may or may not be enough to get the effects that you’re looking for still I think it would be a great supplement to try and see if it helps with the symptoms. In general, any magnesium is going to help and I always say this but the best way to get your magnesium is through Whole Foods. This way you’re getting all the carrier fats and fibers that you need for the exhortation process of magnesium. Usually, somebody can notice a difference with just one green smoothie daily as a noticeable difference in the relaxation of the nervous system and muscles. Adding in more natural magnesium in the diet will help regardless. Also, when you’re having a smoothie, you’re blending up all the plant fiber, and this is when epigenetics inflammation and aging genes can be turned off through getting an adequate amount of plant fiber in the diet.

Restless Body At Night

When you look at the restless body, it could be considered restless leg syndrome, but it doesn’t have to be in the legs it can be anywhere in the body and even the whole body. A lot of this I keep saying over, but I’ll go back over the basics of restless symptoms whether you’re dealing with restless leg syndrome or not. Too much stress, not enough sleep, too much nicotine or caffeine. Like all these are common sense, and yeah, we know we need to eat better, we need to exercise, we need to work on our Sleep, but in today society and the way that things are, you don’t have five or six hours to dedicate to your health and fitness nutrition plan so my best advice is to start doing a journal that way you can look back and see why you feel this way, and then maybe you can see what is triggering you it may be an actual neurological thing, or it can actually be an environmental or spiritual thing or emotional thing whatever it is I’m confident that you can figure it out and start getting restful Sleep again but don’t expect to find the magic pill that’s just going to fix your restless body at night you first have to figure out what is causing the restlessness and

hen undo it or stop doing it. If you’re restless at night because you’re on swing shift and you have no other options, there may not be many options or solutions for you. Other than getting a new job and the way that things are, that’s not possible for some people. So I recommend that you read this whole post, and you’ll find all kinds of tips, Cold and hot protocols, and supplements that you can do naturally to calm the body. But first, you need to realize that for the most part, you should be restful at night if you were getting up at a decent time and getting 6 to 8 hours of Sleep you should be able to relax at night.

And if you’re not there is something else that is disturbing you most of the time it’s something that you’re doing a food and allergy a drug or overconsumption of caffeine or something along with the lines that you can change and take out of your lifestyle and will Drastically change your symptoms.

Restless Leg Syndrome Test

Getting restless leg syndrome Can be done with your doctor. And if you have other symptoms like insomnia or diabetes, they will look into this as well. A lot of times, they find that these are linked. Once again, I find this interesting; with diabetes being a sugar and balance and not sleeping will intensify sugar and balance the more and more you look at the bigger picture, you can see how these other factors coincide with restless leg syndrome. I really believe that restless leg syndrome is not a disorder of its own but more of a side effect of a bigger problem. And if you can figure out what that bigger problem is, the closer you will be to relieving yourself of restless leg syndrome forever. I had restless legs my whole life, and not until 30 or 40 years of dealing with this was I able to realize some of the things that I was doing to cause the problem in the first place. I had blood sugar problems completely out of control to the point that I was losing my vision. Once the blood sugar got under control with proper diet and exercise, I noticed my restless leg syndrome dramatically improved. so maybe if you’re going to your doctor, you may want to get a blood sugar testing done like an A1c. and keep an eye on your fasted blood sugar levels. Some of these simple biomarkers will be able to give you insights on things that you may want to fix before chasing medicine and supplements to fix restless leg syndrome. Most likely your restless leg syndrome is a side effect of another problem. I highly recommend reading this article, and by WebMD, I’ll give you more insights on the examination and tests that can be done to diagnose shoe for restless leg syndrome 

Restless Leg Syndrome Causes

There are a lot of things that can cause restless leg syndrome to let me give you a list of my top ones.

I’ll try to list them from worse to least.

  • Caffeine or any stimulants that stimulate dopamine including sugary drinks
  • Too many carbohydrates
  •  overeating and general
  •  eating too late at night
  •  not enough physical activity during the day
  •  tense muscles lack use or need to be stretched
  •  General Life stresses people family friends
  •  nicotine withdrawals and withdrawal symptoms can happen within 15 minutes
  •  neurological disorders neuropathy
  •  lack of quality sleep
  •  diabetes or prediabetes
  •  Over-exercising
  •  room temperature too high
  •  dopamine withdrawals or burnout
  •  too much stimulation for a for bed Blue Light TV video games
  •  different types of pharmaceutical medications ask your doctor
  •  nerve damage from an accident or sport injury
  •  anemia not getting enough calories in your diet
  •  lack of electrolytes like magnesium
  •  leaky gut syndrome or the inability  absorption of nutrients

There are many others but just looking at that list above really paints a nice picture of what you’re dealing with anything that stimulates or D stimulates the pleasure system of the mind and body. And this is why I preach for restless leg syndrome to really look into the dopamine stimulation in your life. Dopamine gets released whenever we eat something, see something funny, or think about something enjoyable. Be mindful of anything that can stimulate the pleasure system of the brain. If that area gets overstimulated, you can be dealing with dopamine withdrawals. And dopamine is actually very important for the neural connectivity between our muscles, and the lack of it can be the reason for your restless leg syndromes.

Restless Leg Syndrome Pregnancy

I have never been pregnant, but to think about what’s going on in the body when in pregnancy. The body is under an extreme amount of creation, you could say of another human being. one of the reasons women seem to get weird cravings is four different foods and other weird things that happen during pregnancy. As well as the swelling of legs and ankles can happen that alone can cause restless leg syndrome. But if you are pregnant and you have these weird cravings for peanut butter and pickles, LOL. Or ice cream or any highly addictive food, and you’re not holding back and diving into these dopamine-releasing Foods. That alone can cause you restless leg syndrome let alone all the hormonal changes that are going on in your body as you’re creating a new life. So keep in mind that you are what you eat, and so will your child, so try to eat a healthy balanced diet as you’re pregnant and not overindulge. this will only help your baby and improve restless leg syndrome. If your hormones are out of balance which they will be when you are creating a new life, you may have some insomnia issues and hard to sleep and some Borden that might result in eating too late at night or eating hi fatty salty sugary foods which your body will be craving to create your new child. all of that will cause restless leg syndrome to try to eat a clean, healthy balanced diet. And if you still have symptoms of restless legs, try to do some of the remedies and the upper articles. About stretching, massage meditation, and other relaxing techniques, they alone will still help you and your baby grow to be strong, healthy, and happy.

What Deficiency Causes Restless Legs

Nutrient deficiencies like magnesium and all your electrolytes potassium sodium deficiencies in any of these can cause restless leg syndrome. Other deficiencies like neurotransmitters dopamine serotonin epinephrine. Your entire endocrine system, your fight-or-flight system, your excitatory system, there are many different names. But anything that can stimulate you can overstimulate you, usually restless leg syndrome as a cause of overstimulation. Whether it’s a nutrient environmental or mental overstimulation of the nervous system, any of these over stimulations can cause deficiencies and any one of your hormones or electrolytes or even your vitamins. For instance, vitamin D is a nutrient that most everyone is deficient in, especially in the northern hemisphere. Your body cannot produce some of your hormones correctly with low vitamin D levels, like serotonin and dopamine. And the lack of these can cause anxiety, end anxiety can cause stress, and stress can cause more deficiencies. You are ultimately leading to restless leg syndrome. What you’re really looking for is getting your body into homeostasis, and if your body is deficient in any of these areas, your body will not be in homeostasis. One way to test yourself as get you a blood oxygen meter. They’re really cheap on Amazon for like ten bucks. When you get up in the morning, check your heart rate and your blood oxygen usually. 1 M will do both. Keep a log of this, write it down on a notepad, see and track your average, and put a note on the days that your restless legs are better or worse. After a few days, you will have Some excellent data that will paint a picture for you to see what’s really going on. In homeostasis, your blood oxygen should be around 97 to 100, and your heart rate should be approximately 75. give or take a few points, either way, it is okay but if you’re waking up with a heart rate of 110 or even 100, that alone will cause you some restless leg issues. When you wake up in the morning, you should be recovered, and your heart rate should be around 75 beats per minute.

What Vitamins Help Restless Leg Syndrome

All the vitamins will help in some way with restless leg syndrome, some more noticeable than others. The most important will be Vitamin D. We’re all deficient in unless you’re a roofer or a farmer that’s in the sun all day, which is not very healthy skin cancer has something to be concerned about. But you are most likely deficient in vitamin D. You can get a vitamin deficiency test done at your doctor’s office. I’ve had problems with doctors, and the labs don’t tell me very clearly what vitamins are deficient. I recommend going with Inside Tracker that’s a great company that you can send in your blood work, and they can give you results on your deficiencies and give you data on what to do to raise your levels to get them and the right parameters they do much more than that, but you really don’t know what vitamin supplement without having the data. Vitamin C is a very important vitamin as well for your immune system, and if your immune system is being down and low, that can take effect on your nervous system, and your nervous system can give you some times of anxiety and anxiety can give you terms of restless legs. this is why I truly believe restless leg syndrome is not a syndrome. It is a side effect of another problem. Don’t count me wrong I am sure there are some people with an actual neurological disorder, but as well that neurological disorder was caused by something else.

When To Take Magnesium For Restless Legs

I take 500 mg of magnesium a couple of times a week with a meal just because I know how important magnesium is, and it’s tough to get enough into the diet by itself. The best times to take magnesium are going to be with a meal or the last meal of the day. The extra magnesium will relax you more at night and keep your restless legs calm. With more magnesium in your system, your muscles will relax more and sleep better. Higher quality Sleep within itself can stop restless leg syndrome. this is why I am highly against caffeine Studies show that drinking caffeine 1 Cup every day can affect your Sleep Quality up to 48 hours and your Sleep Quality can be as if you were 15 years older than you are. sleep is everything especially for the nervous system.

What Foods Trigger Restless Leg Syndrome?

This is a simple question absolutely any food that makes you happy LOL I’m sorry to be a bummer but the truth is, any food that gives you pleasure and releases dopamine too much dopamine release can really disturb the nervous system and overtax it, causing Restless syndrome anywhere in the body.

  •  sugary Foods
  •  fatty foods
  •  salty foods

What Is The Main Cause Of Restless Leg Syndrome?

I am not a doctor, but if you read this whole two articles I think you and I can come to the same conclusion the leading cause of restless leg syndrome is the nervous system being overtaxed and depleted of some neurochemicals, especially dopamine. Now, this does not discount somebody with a true nor logical problem or neuropathy. And this does not disconnect out somebody with other vitamin and nutrient deficiencies from intestinal or stomach absorption issues. But 98% of us can fix this with a proper diet and exercise.

What Is Your Body Lacking When You Have Restless Legs?

My top things that I believe that the body can be lacking when restless leg syndrome flares

  •  Dopamine
  •  Electrolytes
  •  Vitamins
  •  minerals

A quick test you can do is actually shop in the baby idol and pick up some Pedialyte; it’s a better choice than Gatorade Gatorade is high, and sugar and salt that can cause you more restless leg issues. But Pedialyte has a lot of your electrolytes, and it won’t be an overstimulation of the pleasure Center of your brain, and I believe this is one of the primary causes. And today’s modern society, we don’t have to work as hard as we did 10,000 BC, and we can eat as much as we want and never really go hungry. The lack of moving the body and the surplus of calories alone can cause Restless systems throughout the entire body.

Potassium For Restless Legs

Potassium and something that you can get him Pedialyte, and it’s tough to get into the diet; you need to eat about 7 to 10 cups of leafy greens a day to get the amount of potassium or about 15 bananas, which would be too much sugar and then many bananas LOL would probably cause restless leg syndrome by their selves LOL. You can take potassium as a supplement, but a lot of that won’t get into the system without the other fat-soluble vitamins to go with it that are in the leafy greens. One way you can do this is to take a green supplement like wheatgrass powder juice or try to make a green smoothie every day. These are the best ways. But if you can get some blood work done and see where your potassium levels really are you can try some supplements and see if your levels come up if they do that’s working for you. But this won’t work for everybody. Supplementation of these types of nutrients is really hard to get exorbitant. That’s why it is best to try to get it in your natural diet.

Instant Relief For Restless Legs

Restless leg syndrome and instant relief get into an ice bath. LOL, it doesn’t have to be ice cubes in the water. Just cold tap water might be enough. A couple of things happen when you do this the blood rushes out of your legs, giving a nervous system purging effect that will help within itself. The other something your brain releases feel-good hormones, especially dopamine, which will help you combat the pain and prepare for the stresses that just got introduced to the body. The body in mind doesn’t know that you didn’t just fall into an icy lake, and you’re about to drown and die. But the same effect happens when you get into a tub of cold water. Our bodies and mind are designed to Keep Us Alive sometimes does more harm than good. But with the cold water, the body will naturally release feel-good hormones, and all the blood rushing to the center of the body will give a purifying cleansing effect. I’ve had restless leg syndrome so bad that I could almost just claw my legs till they bleed. The irritation would be excruciating. This is no longer the problem for me, but when it would be so severe I couldn’t stand it, I would down cut my body into some cold water instant relief. I don’t know if getting out of the water, just the satisfaction of no longer being in the cold water made the relief instant, but either way, there is some scientific data testing backing this Theory up, and it works, let me tell you LOL.

Home Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome In Toddlers

I was that poor little toddler with restless leg syndrome, and it breaks my heart to look back at myself and how bad I suffered and how I got in trouble a lot because of some of the things I would do because of the irritation. Most restless leg syndrome problems happened later at night mine were severe that they could start as early as 11 in the morning, and I would be ripping my pants and socks and shoes off because it irritated me so greatly. Looking back, I now know why I also can see the real cause of restless leg syndrome, and I am confident that I could cure anybody with it if they would do what I say? As a toddler, when I would go over to the grandparent’s house, they would feed me red pop caffeinated pop snicker bars and fast food, and I would eat and eat it tasted so good, and I felt so good, but I was destroying my nervous system through all that poison. And if you look at all the types of foods and fluids, they are all highly addictive because they release dopamine. So if you’re dipping your child’s Binky in Mountain Dew and sticking it into their mouth, lol, for the love of God, please stop doing that. But if you are not and your child is on a very good diet healthy foods, they could easily have some type of autoimmune disease or sensitivity to something else. If your child is eating late at night or if your child is a really picky eater and only wants to eat processed foods or foods that don’t have magnesium and potassium and sodium natural sodium. The nervous system needs all these electrolytes and minerals now you cannot give your child supplements like potassium magnesium I would never do that to anyone under the age of 10 but you can buy Pedialyte, and this would be the only supplement that I would give your child, and I would talk to your pediatrician on when and how much to give your child before doing anything like that. I believe a lot of children have restless leg syndrome and a lot of it is because they’re not getting enough magnesium. It’s very hard to get that much magnesium, potassium, sodium, and other electrolyte minerals. A lot of our foods do not have the adequate amount that our bodies need. Here’s a list of the stuff I would start doing in order easiest to hardest to help your child with restless leg syndrome

Make sure they have properly fitting clothes, comfortable socks, and shoes, nothing too restrictive they don’t know what too tight is. You have to be a good parent and know that you have them in the proper fitting clothes.

Make sure you have them on a good sleeping schedule that’s not sporadic and changing all the time.

Make sure they’re not eating really late at night.

Take highly processed foods and caffeine out of their diet. Be careful doing this and take it out slowly; if they are on caffeine or highly processed sugary foods, there will be a detoxing. And going cold turkey could be very hard on them.

Take a trip to your pediatrician to ask about restless leg syndrome and toddlers and ask about supplementing your toddler on Pedialyte to get the electrolytes up to help with the nervous system when you have adequate amounts of electrolytes, your nervous system is calm when you get depleted that’s when the restlessness will set in it can even affect your heart rate which will even affect the snowball effect of the nervous system anxiousness anxiety fear depression and the cycle just keeps going from worse to worse.

Making sure the room temperature is not too hot and not too cold colder is usually better; somewhere around 68 to 72 would be good for a toddler if they’re complaining about the cold listen to them and let it be a little warmer 

. But science shows that we sleep the best in between 65 and 68° the body has to cool itself down to fall asleep anyways if the room is 75 or more, the body will work too hard and cause more restless problems.

Take Away For Restless Leg Syndrome Update

I really hope that all this information can help you and not only solve your restless legs but prevent them from ever coming back. I’ve dealt with this all my life from one extreme to the next I even had this as a very little child before I even knew what was going on or even could tell somebody what was going on for them to help me the amount of pain and irritation I had as a child breaks my heart looking back at how much I struggled and suffered as a kid getting in so much trouble for taking off my shoes and socks in inappropriate settings. But now I know, and hopefully, my pain and suffering can help someone else, and if so, it’s all worth it in the end. I originally wrote an article about percussion massagers and how they can help restless leg syndrome. I was using them way before I was riding for restless leg syndrome. Percussion massage can be another way that you can use to relieve your restless leg syndrome quickly and easily. It has shown that massage and stretching, in general, can help, so using a percussion massage tool makes it a little bit easier to let the tool do the work and just let your body relax As you move the massage or let someone massage your legs with a percussion massager. Text the workload off of you or your partner or whoever may be helping you with the massage. Here’s my article where I first started talking about percussion massage and restless leg syndrome and I decided that this is such a big topic I need to dive deeper and provide more information on what may be causing the restless legs syndrome in the first place. If we understand the function of how something works then we will be better able to treat it. what good is it if we use a massage every night to relieve restless leg syndrome when if we could have changed 

something in our diet or day-to-day life that could have stopped it from happening in the first place that would be what I would really ask the question what is causing this in the first place and what can I do to prevent it from ever happening again.