Learning what Type of Headache I have why Massage not Helping

girl with headache

Why is Massage Gun not Helping Headaches?

They are different types of headaches; a massage gun will only help you with a kind of tension headache. Since massage guns will only work muscle and not any other neurological issues, their only benefit and ability to relieve any headache is releasing muscle tension and lack of blood flow.

Different types of headaches

  • Drug withdrawal
  • Addictive food withdrawal
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Dehydration
  • Tension or strain
  • Lack of sleep tension
  • Stress environmental and physical

There are many different headaches, causes and reasons, and withdrawal symptoms.

Let me go into deep detail to better self-assess where your headache is coming from and decide whether a massage will help relieve your headache or possibly even make it worse.

I’ll start with the most common headaches, food and dehydration-related.

The biggest one is caffeine withdrawal. Within 12 to 24 hours of consuming your last caffeinated beverage, you can experience withdrawal symptoms. Depending on your sensitivity and the strength of the caffeine you’re consuming, intensify your caffeine headaches. That’s why many people go to a caffeinated drink or a caffeine pill, which helps their headaches.

This is just a withdrawal symptom of caffeine.

As I’m sitting here sipping my double shot espresso lol, I just took care of a slight headache I was having.

I’ve been trying to quit caffeine, and I’ve been successful until most recently; I noticed once I was ultimately off of caffeine for about two months, I had little to no headaches, and I now realize that my occasional headache that would pop up a couple of times a week was most likely just due to caffeine withdrawals.

The next biggest headache causes dehydration. The rule of thumb is to drink when you’re thirsty, but this is not enough in many cases. They recommend 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of the body. I find this hard to do, and I never drink enough, so I am constantly dehydrated.

A significant health tip is to check your sodium intake. Most people are getting enough sodium, but if you were on and whole 30 keto diet or even a mainly vegan diet, you’re most likely not getting enough sodium, and this is where are you might want to be supplementing with some electrolyte formula potassium magnesium sodium combination these electrolytes earth minerals.

It will help you retain water and keep you from getting thirsty even if you’re not on one of these diets. You’re dealing with electrolytes in balance.

You can quickly be drinking enough water. However, your body will not be returning that. You were still getting dehydrated.

This can be a battle for people that are on particular medications that cause their body to dump sodium, magnesium, and potassium, therefore, causing them natural dehydration even with consuming enough water.


If you’re not on caffeine and you will believe your sodium and electrolyte balance is good, but you’re still having headache problems, here is the next closest problem that could be your issue

Like caffeine, it is addictive, and with anything that is addictive, you can experience withdrawal symptoms that usually come with nervous system restriction that can cause muscle tightness and ultimately lead to tension headaches.

Believe it or not, sugar is one of the most addictive substances that you’ll ever consume might not be that noticeable; you think not to try to quit it for a couple of days.

You will see that you’ll be much more miserable with no sugar than with no coffee or possibly even know nicotine.

I’ll go deeper into sugar later, but why do we bring up nicotine? If you’re trying to quit smoking, you can experience excruciating headaches from nicotine withdrawals nicotine has a stimulant. In some cases, the nervous system relaxes, but withdrawal processes can be brutal and cause migraines.

Neurological issues

This is a rare but more serious side effect of headaches.

You can have a real neurological issue a real neurotransmitter firing brain activity that is improperly firing from some type of brain trauma or a genetic disposition. Different medications can be taken for this. Most people have trouble finding a medication that actually works and actually works long-term.

If you’ve talked to your doctor and you believe that you have a neurological issue causing migraines and possibly seizures, my greatest advice to anyone suffering from this is to get on a whole food diet and an anti-inflammatory diet. A neurological issue the body can self-repair. Still, things will be prioritized on repair, and if you are dealing with a lot of physical inflammation, the body will be trying to deal with that and not be able to repair your neurological issues. There are many different studies on pubmed.com that show where neurological issues have been due to diet and different herb supplementation. I am big into the holistic side of things. There are many ancient medicines that they burn, treating issues like this for thousands of years in ancient China.

Note on holistic healing.
Ancient medicine and holistic practices are rendered completely useless if you’re consuming processed foods, sugar, nicotine a lot of times, and caffeine. It is a very powerful way to heal the body, but if you keep doing what is causing the issue in the first place, the body will never be able to recover.

Sometimes give him a break from something that is causing the issue in the beginning you

can go back to your old ways with no symptoms as the body has built up immunity to it, but it is best to make the lifestyle change and get away from whatever is causing it

To briefly touch on that, if you were working on a computer all the time, this would be a viral mental headache, or if you’re in a job that puts you in a wrong position repetitively, you can quickly end up with some type of tension headache and then for some people you have no other option, and so you must keep going if you cannot change the environment then what I recommend is to get religious into yoga and preventative maintenance massage therapy or even buying a percussion massage tool or otherwise called a percussion massage gun.

If you have a percussion massage gun and it is not helping your headaches, everything in this article over viewers why

To summit up, you have to stop what is causing the headache. In the first place, correctly diagnosing that is the most important thing, and trying to change the environment, the chemical or the atmosphere that you’re in that’s causing your headache.

The tricky part could be more than one, and this will get harder to figure out because if one thing doesn’t work, it doesn’t mean that you did not fix one of your problems.

For somebody sitting at an office desk with a forward head posture for 8 to 10 hours a day and drinks for 6 cups of coffee, they quit drinking coffee for three months and still have headaches because their forward head posture needs to be corrected as well!

If you read this whole article a couple of times, I believe you will get a good basis on what may be the cause or the multiple reasons for your cause.

I truly believe you can become completely headache-free, but it can get frustrating if you keep trying and everything seems to fail to remember that you could be dealing with more than one issue.

What I recommend above a precaution massage gun is actually to get a physical massage or a massage therapist and actually maybe find a chiropractor that can do a body alignment assessment, somebody who can personally talk to you about your environment and actually look at the alignment of your neck and spine these is very important issues that need to be corrected early the older you get, the longer they go, the harder it will be to air reverse, and permanent damage eventually happens with spinal degeneration.

Don’t look at headaches as the problem; looks at headaches as a warning sign. The body is warning you that what you’re doing is damaging and causing soft and possibly hard tissue damage permanently keep going serious consequences will be there to pay mostly that is what pain is for if we did not have pain, we would be chopping vegetables and chop a finger off and just start laughing we need pain, or we would cease to exist because if it didn’t hurt well, we were do anything and seriously and humanities existence.

So please listen to your body. It’s trying to speak to you that can’t use language, but I can use emotion and feeling, which can be stronger than language but may be harder to understand. You must be open-minded to trying anything, and when things don’t fail to understand that you’re not hopeless and to fix the issue, you may have more than one that you’re trying to deal with


First assassin weather you are dealing with a withdrawal of a food or drug second decide whether you’re having a neurological headache or a muscle headache or even a nervous system headache that can either be the nervous system withdrawing or overstimulated from stress or some other traumatic injury but first most make sure that your nutritions right and it is not a Deficiency and electrolyte or vitamin mineral like test test him a magnesium or even just a simple dehydration not enough water in the diet and remember caffeinated beverages deplete the body of electrolytes and so the sugar cell pop sugar and caffeine combined is the most common headache causer it is not the fix even if you feel better when drinking it most likely what you’re doing is you found out the real cause of your headache and you are combating your headache by fixing the withdrawal symptoms from sugar or caffeine one other thing that I did not touch on in this article is alcohol it is also very addictive which causes headaches and it is also very mineralized depleting the body one could say it is demineralization the body and your minerals like sodium magnesium potassium are the ones that keep the balance of hydration through the body and consuming a lot of alcohol not only deplete the body of these minerals but also dehydrate the body and on top of that one night of drinking the next morning a hangover is actually alcohol withdrawal not dehydration as much as you’re actually withdrawing from alcohol itself combination with the depletion of your electrolytes because you urinated most of them out the night before lol I hope that this helps you in someway and you find relief from your headaches please message me on Instagram or Pinterest and I’ll be gladly to help you with any more questions trust me I’ve been through it all I probably have your answers lol